
Today we know America is the powerhouse of the Western world but it wasn’t always that way. America started as thirteen small colonies on the east coast of North America. These colonies were unfairly taxed so they decided to start a revolution. The only reason they won is because they used superior tactics that made them win battle after battle.

How did the American Revolution start

The Stamp act of 1765

History resources. “The Stamp Act 1765.”, 2020,

This an image of the stamp act of 1765 and this is a credible source because it is a primary source therefore it is credible.

When the fighting started

The British had heard of some hidden weapons in Concord so they made their way to Concord. On their way, they had to march through a village called Lexington where the seven hundred British are met seventy-minute men met them.  These minutemen are little more than armed farmers, but they have one advantage they have been warned. The Americans had spies like Paul Revere warning them of the oncoming British this took away any surprise advantage the British had. The two sides stood staring at each other, and then someone shot this is what people call the shot heard around the world even though no one knows who shot first. The British sent multiple volleys killing eight of the rebels and injuring nine others for the British only one was injured. the British continued on their way to Concord. After this, they continued their way to Concord where they found the canons they were looking for and destroyed them but then the colonists  (who were following the British during their search for the canons)  appeared from behind walls and trees then started firing took the British by surprise.  The British dropped weapons and supplies to help hasten there retreat. When they reached Lexington again the British found reinforcements waiting for them but even with these extra soldiers the British were forced to retreat. Back to Boston.

The Battle of Bunker hill

Boston was a key port town during the Revolution, so naturally, both sides would want the city. The British were the ones who were originally in control, but the Americans planned a siege. During the siege, the British tried to move up to get a vantage on two hills, Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill. (Surprisingly the battle of Bunker Hill was actuating on breeds hill this. the only reason the battle is called the Battle of Bunker Hill is because the soldiers thought they were fighting on Bunk Hill.)  the Americans heard about it and got there first. When the British got up there they started digging trenches to avoid the ships in the bay from firing upon them. The Americans were sounded which meant it was impossible to get extra supplies, so they had limited ammo. This was the reason they used the strategy of waiting until the enemy was at point blank. The orders were not to shoot until you could see the white of their eyes. This technique worked for the first two waves of red coats but on the third, they got the better of them. The Americans retreated and lost the battle of Bunker hill. But it was a loss that gave them confidence because they know they can hold there own against the British.

Strategy and Allies

The Americans used many different strategies in many different battles. Still, the strategy they are most known for is guerilla war and other unconventional war tactics which include everything from hit and run to straight-up sabotage.An example that is already mentioned in this text is the Battle of Lexington and Concord. This battle used many different unconventional war tactics such as spies like Paul Revere which brought them information about the British troop’s plans. They also ambushed the British when they came out from hiding to attack the British. Another battle that is high with guerilla tactics and unconventional warfare is the Battle of Saratoga. When the British were making their way to Saratoga they were bombarded by hit-and-run attacks. The Americans also chopped down trees to cover the road and make it more difficult for the British to get to Saratoga. In this battle, they also used fortification to overlook the road by the Hudson river. These fortifications were built by Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Who was an engineering graduate from Poland. All this strategy meant that the battle of Saratoga was over before it even began. After the Battle of Saratoga Britain’s enemy decided this was the moment to allied with the Americans and this just what France did. This gave America extra troops better finical support and superior naval support. Which all came into play in the final battle the Battle of York town.

The Battle of York Town

The battle of York town was the final battle in the American revolution. Both sides wanted to win. The Americans wanted to win this battle to win the war the British to secure the York town port because it was one of the only coastal cities they had left where they are waiting on reinforcements. This was metaphorically an up hill battle for the British because the Americans had more numbers and had the French on their side. This siege lasted for three weeks in till the tired and Hungary British conceived to the Americans. Therefore, the Americans won the revolutionary war.


The Americans won the American Revolution due to using guerilla warfare and unconventional warfare. These strategies were superior to the British traditional warfare. The most decisive battles were the Battles of Lexington Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, and the battle of York Town.